Porta 56

La Porta continues to explore connections with artists and some of the frameworks set up to support creative work in other places, by presenting their projects to audiences in Barcelona. 

On this occasion we've given carte blanche to La Inesperada, an association created by the choreographers Elena Córdoba, Ana Buitrago, Mónica Valenciano and Olga Mesa in Madrid in 1996.  Since they began, they have developed many different activities that generate spaces where people can come together, reflect, update and question needs relating to creative work.

-La Porta-

In conversation, as in dance,
each person is a reflection of everybody else.


By selecting a series of artists whose work is close to ours, we hope that between them they will be able to transmit a particular colour, a vision, which is difficult to define but which we think is important to share with the public.  This program brings together highly varied projects from the new performance-based creative scene that is coursing through Madrid. These visions are as different from each other as those that we had when we formed La Inesperada (many years ago now), as a group of women who wanted to work on and chat about everything that we needed and couldn't find in Madrid. The works that we're presenting here with La Porta are a sample of the plurality and personality of this new wave of creative work.
Through the personal and naked poetry of Paz's spoken word, through the view of life and love evoked by Lola's images, through Lengua Blanca's unsettling and hybrid universe and through Amalia's stage personality, we can track the way artists are seeing and creating in this city.  And we're talking about tracking in the sense that dogs track - through smell - not through reason and its criteria, which always tend to classify and exclude.

We hope that this gathering will be fruitful, and that the dialogue that is set up among the works and artists will not just reflect what is going on in this city, but, as Alain said about dance, something that we sense includes ourselves.

-La Inesperada-


Lola Jiménez
Hubo gente antes y habrá gente después

Paz Rojo
This is love

Amalia Fernández

may 31 / june 1 2005
Sala Beckett   


Lola Jiménez
Hubo gente antes y habrá gente después

Lengua Blanca
Dibujos, vestidos y juguetes

3 / 4 june 2005
Sala Beckett