Hardheaded Woman

Sònia Gómez

At a corner of the world someone has created his own personal small paradise. How fragile are our mental constructions! How much illusion do we need to survive? Is it possible not to be aware of it? Or is it just the luxurious privilege of escaping from reality through impossible dreams? History is a reminder of the weakness of the human being when confronted with nature without the aid of technology.

A great moment is approaching, It has not been designed. The purpose is to protect the system. You will have tools. You will gain skills, control and command. You will have enemies. Welcome to the PIRL Program for integral security.

♦ You can follow this show on 4th of March in streaming in TV-TRON.

4th and 5th of March, 20h
CCCB, Hall

Length: 30 min

An idea of Sònia Gómez
Commisioned by La Porta for the context of LP'11

Canal YouTube: Experiencias con un Desconocido Show