Oskar Gómez Mata

Born in San Sebastian in 1963, Oskar Gómez Mata lives and works in Geneva, Switzerland. Actor, director, author and scenographer, he begins his theatre activities in Spain; Since 1995 he settles himself in Geneva, working in Spain, Switzerland and France. He takes studies of theatre at Serge Martin School, first in Paris in 1985-1986 and later in Geneva (1990).

In 1987, he establishes, together with Esperanza López and Ana Pérez, the company Legaleón-T. That initial group was formed by actors who had attended to courses organized by Théâtre du Mouvement de Paris and Serge Martin School in París and Geneva. After a first period where they did shows of style (directly related with the techniques from their actor training), like Quecas (1987) and Aspirantes (1988), Legaleón-T was known in Spain for its version of Michel Azama's La esclusa in 1991, followed by El silencio de las Xigulas, Merilú, La historia de la muñeca hinchable, Mujeres al rojo vivo, ¡Ubú!, Cómeme el punto, Bancarrota, El aumento, Tómbola Lear... The director in most of those production was Oskar Gómez Mata, except for La historia de Merilú,  Mujeres al rojo vivo, directed by Edurne Rodríguez Muro, two pieces staged with very little means and more attentive to communication effectiveness (of a discourse critical with the image and the role of woman in current society). In both, women actors carry all the burden of the performance.

Formed by a Swiss-Spanish artistic team, L'Alakran Company is born in Geneva in 1997 on Oskar Gómez Mata initiative, two years after his arrival to Switzerland. Rejecting the tradition focused on the primacy of text, Legaleón-T and L'Alakran share the same characteristics: the appropriation of text in order to pass it through the filter of their sensitivities and of the context in which the performances are developed, transforming it into a springboard, the same as the rest of forms of performing expressions.

In parallel to these works, Oskar Gómez Mata teaches and directs workshops for professionals in performance and theatre composition in many European cities (Ginebre, Lausana, Porto, Montpellier, Grenoble, Toulouse, Burdeos and Barcelona). He is also guess teacher at the official drama school of French Switzerland (La Manufacture). He has also given seminars and lectures at the Universitys of Salamanca, Santander, Alicante and Valencia. During the academic year 2010-2011, he'll be teaching and tutor at the Máster en práctica escénica y cultura visual organized by the Universidad Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).