Iñar Sastre

He has studied piano and drums. In the Conservatory of San Sebastián and other institutions he has studied piano, chamber music and percussion with teachers like Maruxa Llorente, Roman Jablonski or Donato Goyeneche. He obtained his piano degree at Musikene, with teachers like Ricardo Requejo and Miguel Ituarte. He also specializes in Vocal Accompaniment, with professor Enrique Ricci. He is currently studying composition and improvisation in Paris with Anahit Simonian, Cyrille Lehn and Xavier Busatto. He has attended master classes with pianists like Rita Wagner or Maciej Pikulski, and has worked on improvisation and stage music with teachers like Arnaud Peruta, Löic Maillie or Iñaki Salvador. He has won awards and scholarships in the international piano contest Ciudad San Sebastián. He has worked with different groups, including singers and choruses. Related in the course of his career to the popular basque music, he has received several prizes in the Euskal Kantu Txapelketa (Basque Songs Contest) and has worked with the basque dance group Alurr Dantza Taldea and the accordions orchestra Isidro Larrañaga. He has performed at Bilbao Euskalduna Musika-Música festival, as well as at European level. By means of a contract with the record company Elkar, his musical pieces have been used on TV series (ETB1).