This is not the conquest of the American West, neither the race to the South Pole, nor the first man on the Moon. It is a different kind of space exploration, another kind of “Páramo”.
Nits Salvatges is a research project that invites different artists to visit residual or tangential environments that open up new lines of investigation within their own personal evolution.
8 new experiences by: Vera Mantero, Angélica Liddell, Juan Navarro, Mauricio González, Roger Bernat, Félix Fernández, Alejandra Pombo, Teo Baró.
6th March
Learning How to Weave de Vera Mantero, Lisboa
Venecia de Angélica Liddell, Madrid
El Impossible. Cápitulo 2, La Comunidad de Juan Navarro, Barcelona
Ballet Blanco de Mauricio González, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
7th March
Pura coincidència de Roger Bernat, Barcelona
Turbodriver de Félix Fernández, Lugo
Con pájaros en la cabeza no hay quién te derribe de Alejandra Pombo, Santiago de Compostela
El trabajo de artista: Otro Sábado Noche de Teo Baró, Barcelona
8th March, 16.30h / CCCB - Sala Mirador
Café Sauvage - Meeting the artists of Nits Salvatges
* This edition of Nits Salvatges was made possible thanks to the support of Obra Social Caixa Sabadell